

【茶人詹台北報導】《茶敘藝術》系列即將由北京生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店發行簡體版。其中,《茶席‧曼荼羅》在2008年獲「金鼎獎」(Golden Tripod Award)肯定,並且在德國法蘭克福書展中受到矚目。

〈Tea New Look of Taiwan’s Tea Culture〉介紹《茶席‧曼荼羅》:”The World of Chinese Teasetting”─the author uses the Mandala of Tibetan Buddhism to symbolize completion to interpret the tea setting as an esthetic state of mind. Author Chee Jung-sien guides readers through the wonders of tea through history, from Tang, Sung, Yuan, Ming aad Quing dynasties to the modern life. He profoundly introduces the varieties of tea and the essential acquirement of tea-sets in different periods, revealing the most intriguing aesthetics of Chinese tea culture.


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