


〈The New Look of Taiwan’s Tea Culture〉介紹《茶壺‧樂活知己》:”The World of Teapot”─Teapots are companions for life. They are things that everyone can appreciate and collect. The beauty of teapots lies in their forms, and their soul is in their shape, lines, and volume, and the interactivity with various teas. The key element of a good teapot is the refined beauty of its shape and the sense of energy it radiates.

作者池宗憲表示,一把壺具有獨立自主的形象,構成自己的小宇宙,這個小宇宙是圓滿自足的。從水置入之始,壺體的材質起了騷動;溫度的覺醒,容納著各自茶葉的形境,水浸入葉 體,染浸釋放單寧的甘美,接著轉韻往來正是茶湯呈現生命的時候,也是準備讓人細品美感的時刻。

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